Skin Manifestation of Some Deep Mycoses

Authors: A. Tomšíková
Authors‘ workplace: Mikrobiologický ústav LF UK, Plzeň
Published in: Čes-slov Derm, , 1999, No. 4, p. 183-188


The agents of tropical mycoses occur endemically in certain tropical and subtropical regionsbecause they need a certain composition of soil or certain special climate. The possibility of travellinginto the whole world bring now the danger of infection by these mycoses also for the inhabitants ofour country. For this reason it is necessary to know these diseases and take them into the differentialdiagnostics. These mycoses are mostly deep but they have manifestation on the skin at the beginningor in the course of dissemination. The author gives the review of these infections, their clinicalpicture and their laboratory diagnostics.The review deals with 3 kinds of blastomycosis, 2 kinds of histoplasmosis, coccidioidomycosis,maduromycosis, penicilliosis marneffei, chromomycosis and phycomycosis.

Key words:
North American blastomycosis - paracoccidioidomycosis - lobomycosis - coccidioido-mycosis - chromomycosis - African histoplasmosis - maduromycosis - zygomycosis - penicilliosismarneffei - tinea nigra palmaris

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