Recommendations of the Czech Society for Rheumatology for the diagnosis and treatment of giant cell arteritis
R. Bečvář; Výbor České Revmatologické Společnosti
Authors‘ workplace:
Revmatologický ústav Praha
Published in:
Čes. Revmatol., 30, 2022, No. 2, p. 54-59.
Bečvář R and the Committee of the Czech Society for Rheumatology. Recommendations of the Czech Society for Rheumatology for the diagnosis and treatment of giant cell arteritis Giant cell arteritis (GCA) is the most common primary vasculitis. Visual loss occurs in up to one-fifth of patients, which may be preventable by prompt recognition and glucocorticoid treatment. Suspicion of GCA should be confirmed using imaging methods or biopsy of the temporal artery. In selected patients with GCA with refractory or relapsing disease, the presence of an increased risk for glucocorticoid-related adverse events or internal comorbidities, tocilizumab or methotrexate should be added. The routine use of antiplatelet or anticoagulant therapy for GCA treatment is not recommended unless indicated for other reasons.
glucocorticoids – giant cell arteriiis – visual loss – immunosuppressants
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2022 Issue 2
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