Czech Gynaecology - Issue 3/2023
Original Article
Sentinel lymph node mapping in endometrial cancer – robotic vs. laparoscopic detection system
M. Michal, P. Valha, M. Velemínský
Prenatal detection of copy number variants in fetuses with detected congenital devolpmental disordes, from 2015 to 2020 by Multiplex Ligation-Dependent Probe Amplification and microarray analysis
A. Štefeková, P. Čapková, V. Curtisová, E. Mracká, H. Filipová, Z. Spurná, Martin Procházka, M. Ľubušký, Radovan Pilka, R. Vrtěl
The role of the systemic inflammatory index in determining the length of hospital stay in patients with hyperemesis gravidarum
Sukran Doğru, Fatih Akkuş, A. A. Atci, M. Gümüş, A. Acar
Case Report
Thoracopagus conjoined twins
Michaela Ostatníková, Z. Chválna, M. Gábor, Jozef Záhumenský
Obesity and assisted reproduction
M. Maděrka
Prevention of intrauterine adhesions
M. Emingr, M. Halaj, M. Malčák, J. Hanáček
Use of antipsychotics during pregnancy and their impact on congenital malformations and early neonatal adaptation
K. Hrdličková, H. Němcová, A. Horáková, A. Šebela
Czech Gynaecology

2023 Issue 3
Most read in this issue
- Pelvic pain in women after childbirth and physiotherapy
- Physiotherapy in a patient with diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscle after childbirth
- Prevention of intrauterine adhesions
- Obesity and assisted reproduction