Czech and Slovak Pharmacy - Issue 5/2021
Review Articles
Use of droplet-based microfluidic techniques in the preparation of microparticles
Martina Naiserová, Jakub Vysloužil, Kateřina Kubová, Martina Holická, David Vetchý, Josef Mašek, Eliška Mašková
Telacebec (Q203): Is there a novel effective and safe anti-tuberculosis drug on the horizon?
Ivan Malík, Jozef Čižmárik, Gustáv Kováč, Mária Pecháčová, Lucia Hudecova
Original Article
Antiadhesive, antibiofilm and dispersion activity of biosurfactants isolated from Bacillus amyloliquefaciens 3/22
Karolína Englerová, Radomíra Nemcová, Zdenka Bedlovičová, Eva Styková
Films from poly-γ-glutamic acid and poly-ε-lysine as the potential wound dressings – formulation, preparation and evaluation
Kamila Světlíková, Ruta Masteiková, Kateřina Tenorová, David Vetchý, Jurga Bernatoniene
Laudatio RNDr. Roman Smieško – 70 rokov
Dr. prof. RNDr. H. C. Jozef Čižmárik, PhD.
Czech and Slovak Pharmacy

2021 Issue 5
Most read in this issue
- Use of droplet-based microfluidic techniques in the preparation of microparticles
- Telacebec (Q203): Is there a novel effective and safe anti-tuberculosis drug on the horizon?
- Antiadhesive, antibiofilm and dispersion activity of biosurfactants isolated from Bacillus amyloliquefaciens 3/22
- The effect of meloxicam and cryopreserved placenta extract on initial inflammatory response – an experimental study