Czech and Slovak Pharmacy - Issue 1/2021
Review Articles
General inhalational anesthetics – pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics and chiral properties
Ružena Čižmáriková, Ladislav Habala, Mário Markuliak
Rewiev article
Triazavirin might be the new hope to fight Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)
Ivan Malík, Jozef Čižmárik, Mária Pecháčová, Gustáv Kováč, Lucia Hudecova,
Original Articles
On the development of first aid kits composition
Jozef Kolář, Tünde Ambrus
Original article
Influence of emulsification mode, stirring speed and volume on ibuprofen-loaded PLGA microparticles
Martina Holická, Jan Muselík, Kateřina Kubová, Veronika Deáková, Sylvie Pavloková, Miroslava Pavelková, Josef Mašek, David Vetchý, Jakub Vysloužil
Czech and Slovak Pharmacy

2021 Issue 1
Most read in this issue
- General inhalational anesthetics – pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics and chiral properties
- Triazavirin might be the new hope to fight Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)
- On the development of first aid kits composition
- Influence of emulsification mode, stirring speed and volume on ibuprofen-loaded PLGA microparticles