Czech and Slovak Pharmacy - Issue 2/2020
Review Articles
Original article
Evaluation of adherence to treatment in patients suffering from diabetes mellitus
Lucia Masaryková, Tomáš Tesař, Ubica Lehocká, Klaudia Bernáthová
The influence of «Saprogel» in the wound healing process on rats with a full-thickness wound model
Oksana Strus, Natalia Polovko
A cost minimization analysis of α2b-interferon supplementation in complex pharmacotherapy of rotavirus infection in newborns
Serhii O. Soloviov, Serhii H. Ubohov, Tetiana A. Aleksandrina, Olena V. Kovaliuk, Iryna V. Dziublyk, Viktor V. Trokhymchuk, Hlib V. Zahoriy
Formulation and technology development of vaginal pessaries with probiotic activity
Zhanna Polova, Svitlana Aleinyk, Aurelii Kazak
Case report
Rosuvastatin-induced rhabdomyolysis due to medication errors
Martin Vodička, Ondřej Slanař, Michal Pisár, Tomáš Šálek
New Books
Nové knihy
M. Povýšilová
Czech and Slovak Pharmacy

2020 Issue 2
Most read in this issue
- Evaluation of adherence to treatment in patients suffering from diabetes mellitus
- Rosuvastatin-induced rhabdomyolysis due to medication errors
- Formulation and technology development of vaginal pessaries with probiotic activity
- Advances in the use of instrumental measurement of colour in the development, production and quality control of drugs, medicinal preparations and pharmaceutical auxiliary substances III