Czech and Slovak Pharmacy - Issue 3/2019
Review Articles
Schisandra chinensis and its phytotherapeutical applications
Michal Rybnikář, Karel Šmejkal, Milan Žemlička
Original Article
Selection of technological parameters for the preparation of the combined oral solution Maglycimet™
Daria V. Snehyrova, Liudmila G. Almakaieva, Olexandra S. Kran
Summaries of Lectures
Czech and Slovak Pharmacy

2019 Issue 3
Most read in this issue
- Schisandra chinensis and its phytotherapeutical applications
- Theory and practice of pharmacopoeial control of quality of drugs and excipients IX. The problem of tolerance limits for the content of active substances and excipients in the European Pharmacopoeia (Ph. Eur.)
- XLI. pracovní dny Radiofarmaceutické sekce České společnosti nukleární medicíny ČLS JEP
- Selection of technological parameters for the preparation of the combined oral solution Maglycimet™