Czech and Slovak Pharmacy - Issue 3/2018
Review Articles
Inflammatory bowel disease: factors involved in pathogenesis
Boris Dudík, Hana Kiňová Sepová, Andrea Bilková
Original Article
Imunomodulační aktivita etanolových extraktů z Galium verum L. herb.
Igor L. Shinkovenko, Natalia V. Kashpur, Tetiana V. Ilina, Alla M. Kovalyova, Olga V. Goryacha, Oleh M. Koshovyi, Olena V. Kryvoruchko, Andryi M. Komissarenko
Biosurfactants and their role in the inhibition of the biofilmforming pathogens
Karolína Englerová, Radomíra Nemcová, Eva Styková
Short News
Výzkum chemického složení kůry Sorbus aucuparia
Elena Krivoruchko, Alexander Markin, Victoria Samoilova, Tetiana Ilina, Oleh Koshovyi
History of Pharmacy
Pharmacy, pharmacists and drugs in the Terezín ghetto
Tomáš Arndt, František Dohnal, Jan Babica
Czech and Slovak Pharmacy

2018 Issue 3
Most read in this issue
- Inflammatory bowel disease: factors involved in pathogenesis
- Pharmacy, pharmacists and drugs in the Terezín ghetto
- Biosurfactants and their role in the inhibition of the biofilmforming pathogens
- Imunomodulační aktivita etanolových extraktů z Galium verum L. herb.