Czech and Slovak Pharmacy - Issue 2/2017
Original Articles
Mobile applications as good intervention tools for individuals with depression
Petra Marešová, Blanka Klímová, Kamil Kuča
Separation of phenylalanine and methionine enantiomers by HPLC method: a comparison of stationary phase types
Katarína Hroboňová, Anna Lomenova, Jozef Čižmárik, Jozef Lehotay
Identifying the interprofessional agreement between community pharmacist’s and general practitioner’s views on collaborative practice in Slovakia
Ladislav Dubán, Tomáš Fazekaš, Magdaléna Fulmeková, Miroslava Snopková, Anna Oleárová, Magdaléna Kuželová
Review Articles
Targeted drug delivery system: potential application to resveratrol
Hassan Farghali, Ludmila Kameníková
History of Pharmacy
The image of a good pharmacist in the works of Saladin di Ascoli and Valerius Cordus
Anton Bartunek, František Šimon
Czech and Slovak Pharmacy

2017 Issue 2
Most read in this issue
- Targeted drug delivery system: potential application to resveratrol
- Mobile applications as good intervention tools for individuals with depression
- Separation of phenylalanine and methionine enantiomers by HPLC method: a comparison of stationary phase types
- The image of a good pharmacist in the works of Saladin di Ascoli and Valerius Cordus