Czech and Slovak Pharmacy - Issue 6/2008
Original Articles
The effect of Crataegus extract on heart mitochondrial function
D. Majienė, J. Bernatonienė, R. Masteiková, K. Dvořáčková
Consumption of hipolipidemics in the Czech Republic in 2000–2007
R. Bartas, J. Kolář
Testing the effect of 2’, 3, 4’-trihydroxychalcone in experimental diabetes mellitus: a pilot study
L. Bartošíková, J. Nečas, T. Bartošík, M. Pavlík
Determination of metoprolol and its metabolite α-hydroxymetoprolol in serum by HPLC method with fluorescence detection
I. Peřinová, J. Ďuricová, H. Brozmanová, I. Kacířová, M. Grundmann
Studies of local anesthetics Part 185: Thermodynamic parameters of heptacainium chloride in the solution of NaBr
F. Andriamainty, J. Čižmárik, I. Malík
Optimization of the extraction method for the determination of methadone and its metabolite EDDP in urine by gas chromatography
R. Horáková, J. Valentová, I. Pechová, F. Devínsky
The effect of lipophilic carrier concentration on hydrophilic-lipophilic matrix systems characteristics
K. Dvořáčková, M. Rabišková, R. Masteiková, L. Okáčová
Short News
Possible effects on the liberation of alaptid from dermal semisolid preparations
V. Šimunková, Z. Vitková, M. Potúčková, E. Tichý
Czech and Slovak Pharmacy

2008 Issue 6
Most read in this issue
- Possible effects on the liberation of alaptid from dermal semisolid preparations
- Studies of local anesthetics Part 185: Thermodynamic parameters of heptacainium chloride in the solution of NaBr
- Optimization of the extraction method for the determination of methadone and its metabolite EDDP in urine by gas chromatography
- The effect of lipophilic carrier concentration on hydrophilic-lipophilic matrix systems characteristics