Czech and Slovak Ophthalmology - Issue 2/2008
Applying the DNA Diagnostics in Patients with Superficial Keratitis of Viral Origin
Z. Hlinomazová, O. Šerý, M. Horáčková, R. Pitelová, V. Loukotová, E. Vlková
The Application of the Autologous Serum Eye Drops Results in Significant Improvement of the Conjunctival Status in Patients with the Dry Eye Syndrome
K. Jirsová, E. Hrdličková, A. Alfakih, K. Juklová, M. Filipec, V. Faltus, V. Veselá
Arteriovenous Decompression for Branch Retinal Vein Occlusion with Internal Membrane Peeling for Macular Edema
V. Krásnik, P. Strmeň, J. Štefaničková, P. Krajčová
Spontaneous Premacular Hemorrhage
T. Streicher, J. Špirková
Treatment for Recurrent Pterygium
N. Jirásková, P. Rozsíval
GDx before and after LASIK in Middle and High Myopia
P. Hlaváčová, M. Horáčková, M. Goutaib
The Presence of Dry Eye Syndrome and Corneal Complications in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis and its Association with -174 Gene Polymorphism for Interleukin 6
V. Polanská, O. Šerý, Z. Fojtík, Z. Hlinomazová
Czech and Slovak Ophthalmology

2008 Issue 2
Most read in this issue
- The Application of the Autologous Serum Eye Drops Results in Significant Improvement of the Conjunctival Status in Patients with the Dry Eye Syndrome
- Treatment for Recurrent Pterygium
- Spontaneous Premacular Hemorrhage
- Applying the DNA Diagnostics in Patients with Superficial Keratitis of Viral Origin