Czech and Slovak Ophthalmology - Issue 2/2007
Control of the Rabbit’s IOP after Topic Instillation of Antiglaucomatic Latanoprost and Amino Acid Arginine with Lysine Mixture
J. Veselovský, Z. Oláh, A. Veselá, S. Gressnerová
The Use of the Toric Intraocular Lens in Treatment of Complicated Cataract and High Degree Astigmatism
J. Urminský, P. Rozsíval, V. Lorencová, A. Feuermannová
Intraoperative Floppy Iris Syndrome
Z. Mazal
Functional Examination of Retinal Vessels in Patients with Central Retinal Vein Occlusion
M. Rehák, E. Fric, J. Řehák, F. Raiskup-Wolf, K. Langová
The Influence of LASIK to the Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer in Myopia
P. Hlaváčová, M. Horáčková, E. Vlková, M. Goutaib
The Cooperation between the Ophthalmologist and the Endocrinologist in the Treatment of the Endocrine Orbitopathy
S. Ferková, M. Chynoranský, J. Podoba, J. Čmelo
Orbital Apex Syndrome of the Aspergilus Ethiology – a Case Report
E. Fric, M. Rehák, I. Vlčková, S. Buřval, O. Chrapek, J. Řehák
Czech and Slovak Ophthalmology

2007 Issue 2
Most read in this issue
- Intraoperative Floppy Iris Syndrome
- Orbital Apex Syndrome of the Aspergilus Ethiology – a Case Report
- The Cooperation between the Ophthalmologist and the Endocrinologist in the Treatment of the Endocrine Orbitopathy
- Functional Examination of Retinal Vessels in Patients with Central Retinal Vein Occlusion