Current options for anti-aggregation treatment for the prevention of atherosclerotic complications in diabetic patients

Authors: J. Špác
Published in: Kardiol Rev Int Med 2006, 8(3): 105-111
Category: Editorial


Type II diabetes mellitus (DM) has become one of the major health issues in developed countries. Anti-aggregation treatment forms integral part of pharmacological measures to improve the prognosis of diabetic patients and to postpone the manifestation of macrovascular complications in the first place. Platelet activity has a number of specific pathophysiological features in diabetic patients, and treatment affecting the formation of a white platelet thrombus is of utmost importance for these patients. Current knowledge of the effect of anti-aggregation treatment draws solely on analysis of subgroups of diabetic patients within large clinical studies. The principal problem of current anti-aggregation treatment of diabetic patients is its low efficiency providing protection against acute vascular events to a minor percentage of patients only.

diabetes mellitus – thrombogenesis – ACE inhibitors – beta-blockers – statins – anti-aggregation treatment – thienopyridines


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