Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine - Issue 2/2018
Is laryngeal mask airway the method of choice for airway management in open tracheal surgery?
M. Krečmerová, V. Bicek, J. Schützner, K. Adámková, P. Michálek, T. Vymazal
Sleep endoscopy – a new challenge for the anaesthetist in the diagnostics and treatment of the obstructive sleep apnea syndrome
O. Jor, J. Kubíčková, J. Máca, V. Šeděnková, M. Frelich, P. Ševčík, Pavel Komínek
Sterility of lidocaine syringes prepared in advance in the obstetric theatre
M. Beneš, J. Peštová, J. Bláha
Impact of adrenaline on the intra-arrest haemodynamics during experimental cardiac arrest
Škulec R., T. Pařízek, D. Astapenko, R. Černá Pařízková, M. Bílská, T. Hovanec, N. Pinterová, A. Truhlář, V. Radochová, V. Černý
The role of videolaryngoscopy in perioperative medicine
T. Brožek, P. Michálek
Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine

2018 Issue 2
Most read in this issue
- The role of videolaryngoscopy in perioperative medicine
- Sleep endoscopy – a new challenge for the anaesthetist in the diagnostics and treatment of the obstructive sleep apnea syndrome
- Impact of adrenaline on the intra-arrest haemodynamics during experimental cardiac arrest
- Echocardiography accrediation for intensivists: The European Diploma in Echocardiography (EDEC)