Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine - Issue 1/2013
Anaesthesiology - Case Report
Unusual cause of difficult airway – case report
Tyll Tomáš, Závada Filip
Anesthesiology - Review Article
Current view of anaesthesia for carotid surgery
Horáček Michal, Vymazal Tomáš, Novotný Karel, Mošna František, Filaun Martin
Contribution of brain dormancy to clinical signs of brain damage and the possibility of its treatment by zolpidem
Augustini Lucie, Gabrhelík Tomáš, Adamus Milan
Intensive Care Medicine - Original Paper
Effect of combination of prone position and high-frequency oscillatory ventilation on blood gas exchange in experimental model of acute respiratory distress syndrome
Žurek Jiří, Košut Petr, Dominik Petr, Šeda Miroslav, Klimovič Michal, Fedora Michal
Postgraduate Education - Didactic Radiology Case Report
Bouveret syndrome
Sedláček Zdeněk
Postgraduate Education - Didactic Image
Lyell syndrome
Martin Matějovič
Postgraduate education - ECHO didactics
Physical principles of ultrasound
Mach Dušan
New international guidelines and recommendations
Congresses and Conferences
Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine

2013 Issue 1
Most read in this issue
- Physical principles of ultrasound
- Current view of anaesthesia for carotid surgery
- Bouveret syndrome
- Effect of combination of prone position and high-frequency oscillatory ventilation on blood gas exchange in experimental model of acute respiratory distress syndrome