Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine - Issue 4/2005
Anaesthesiology - Original Paper
Duration of pre-anaesthetic assessment: prospective observational study
V. Černý, K. Cvachovec, T. Suchý
Influence of interleukin-6 and tumor necrosis factor α gene polymorphisms on acute pain perception
O. Hrazdilová, O. Šerý, P. Ševčík
Complex approach to oncological and oncosurgical therapy in morbidly obese patient: case report
J. Málek, M. Kubecová, A. Kurzová, J. Pachl, B. Svoboda, M. Tvrdek
Intensive Care Medicine - Original Paper
Prognostic significance of apoptotic and genomic plasma free DNA levels in critically ill patients
Žďárský E.., J. Fanta, Waldauf P. Slavkovský L., F. Duška, E. Čtrnáctá, J. Pachl
Systemic mycosis in ICU: new diagnostic and treatment opportunities
J. Haber, I. Novák
PIRO concept – ”P“ (predisposition) and sepsis
M. Průcha, V. Maťoška
ANZICS: Statement on withholding and withdrawing treatment
Anzics (australian, New Zealand Society Of Intensive Care, Australská, Novozélandská, Společnost Intenzivní Péče, Spojená Katedra Intenzivní Péče), Australská, Novozélandská Katedra Anesteziologů, Královská Australská Internistická Společnost
Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine

2005 Issue 4
Most read in this issue
- Systemic mycosis in ICU: new diagnostic and treatment opportunities
- PIRO concept – ”P“ (predisposition) and sepsis
- ANZICS: Statement on withholding and withdrawing treatment
- Influence of interleukin-6 and tumor necrosis factor α gene polymorphisms on acute pain perception