Advance directives of patients and perception of this problem in the Czech republic and Germany

Authors: J. Matějek
Authors‘ workplace: Vedoucí: PhDr. Tomáš Petráček, Ph. D., Th. D. ;  Katedra kulturních a náboženských studií ;  Děkan: doc. ing. Vladimír Jehlička, CSc. ;  Pedagogická fakulta ;  Rektor: doc. RNDr. Josef Hynek, MBA, Ph. D. ;  Univerzita Hradec Králové
Published in: Prakt. Lék. 2010; 90(11): 666-668
Category: Of different specialties


This article presents an ethical discussion about advance directives, covering the situation both in the Czech Republic and Germany. We analyze the Bundesärtzeskammer (German Medical Association) recommendations concerning questions that arise at the end of a patient’s life within the context of advance directives.

Key words:
advance directives, legal situation in the Czech Republic and in Germany, Bundesärzteskammer.


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General practitioner for children and adolescents General practitioner for adults
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